How HBO’s “True Blood” Should Have Ended

BillSookieFor seven seasons, the HBO series “True Blood” – based on the Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse books – deviated almost unrecognizably away from the source material. Every character not killed off managed to pair up with someone, but similar to the final Harris novel that reportedly left fans unsatisfied, HBO botched a chance to one-up the author on the final outcome of Sookie and Bill.

Here’s three suggested treatments for a better ending; this is just off the top of my head, but I prefer number three.


  1. Sookie and Bill die together in the graveyard: Unable to watch Bill’s suffering, Sookie offers herself to feed him before he dies, a willingly sacrificing to provide one last comfort before he pops; it ends with friends and family attending Sookie’s funeral revealing a headstone next to Bill’s family.
  2. Sookie begs Bill to make her into a vampire: Finally admitting to herself she would stay with him forever, Bill finally accepts Sarah’s cure before turning Sookie and burying themselves together. Sookie’s blood enables them both to survive the daylight and join in the Thanksgiving celebration: the premiere vampire couple of Bon Temps.
  3. Sookie makes Bill human again with a little help from Grampa: After hearing Bill’s thoughts, she suspects the faerie-mixed Hep-V cocktail she infected him with is turning him mortal but not fast enough to prevent his true death as a vampire. Sacrificing the last of her power and hoping it’s enough, faerie grandfather Niall secretly lends a hand to restore Bill to life. With Sookie no longer a faerie and Bill no longer a vampire, they live happily as mortals raising the family they always wanted and growing old together.

Pick one…they’re all better than what crawled out of the writer’s room.


6 thoughts on “How HBO’s “True Blood” Should Have Ended

  1. Pingback: How HBO's "True Blood" Should Have Ended | Tinseltown Times

  2. True Blood lost me after Season 3…
    Yes, indeed, they had a great chance with the ending to one-up Harris, as they weren’t using any plots of hers anyway. 😉
    I know at least two authors who flirt with the concept of a TV series based on their work, but “True Blood” is a great warning about the down side of such adaptations.
    It also seems that no one working on “The Strain” TV series has actually bothered to read the source novels (proving that it was Chuck Hogan’s writing that “made” them). 😛

  3. Pingback: ASMSG Horror-Thriller Emagazine – How HBO’s “True Blood” Should Have Ended

  4. David Watson

    I liked True Blood until the end of season 5. The finalie for season 5 left a huge smile on my face but it was all down hill after that. I was bored for the series finalie with the exception of the Pam and Eric infomercial.

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